Developer documentation

This page contains information for developers who wish to contribute to Bodhi.

Contribution guidelines

Before you submit a pull request to Bodhi, please ensure that it meets these criteria:

  • All tests must pass.
  • New code should have 100% test coverage. This one is particularly important, as we don’t want to deploy any broken code into production.
  • New functions, methods, and classes should have docblocks that explain what the code block is, and describing any parameters it accepts and what it returns (if anything).
  • New code should follow PEP-8. You can use the flake8 utility to automatically check your code. There is a bodhi.tests.test_style.TestStyle.test_code_with_flake8 test, that is slowly being expanded to enforce PEP-8 across the codebase.

Create a Bodhi development environment

There are two ways to bootstrap a Bodhi development environment. You can use Vagrant, or you can use virtualenv on an existing host.


Vagrant allows contributors to get quickly up and running with a Bodhi development environment by automatically configuring a virtual machine. Before you get started, ensure that your host machine has virtualization extensions enabled in its BIOS so the guest doesn’t go slower than molasses. To get started, simply use these commands:

$ sudo dnf install ansible libvirt vagrant-libvirt vagrant-sshfs
$ sudo systemctl enable libvirtd
$ sudo systemctl start libvirtd
$ cp Vagrantfile.example Vagrantfile
# Make sure your bodhi checkout is your shell's cwd
$ vagrant up

Vagrantfile.example sets up a port forward from the host machine’s port 6543 into the Vagrant guest’s port 6543, so you can now visit http://localhost:6543 with your browser to see your Bodhi development instance if your browser is on the same host as the Vagrant host. If not, you will need to connect to port 6543 on your Vagrant host, which is an exercise left for the reader.

Quick tips about the Bodhi Vagrant environment

You can ssh into your running Vagrant box like this:

# Make sure your bodhi checkout is your shell's cwd
$ vagrant ssh

Once you are inside the development environment, there are a helpful set of commands in your .bashrc:

  • bdocs: Build Bodhi’s documentation.
  • blog: View Bodhi’s log.
  • brestart: Restart the Bodhi service.
  • bstart: Start the Bodhi service.
  • bstop: Stop the Bodhi service.
  • btest: Run Bodhi’s test suite.

Keep in mind that all vagrant commands should be run with your current working directory set to your Bodhi checkout. The code from your development host will be mounted in /home/vagrant/bodhi in the guest. You can edit this code on the host, and the vagrant-sshfs plugin will cause the changes to automatically be reflected in the guest’s /home/vagrant/bodhi folder.

The development server is run inside the Vagrant environment by the bodhi.service systemd unit. You can use pshell and tools/ to get a Python shell quickly set up with a nice environment for you to hack in:

[vagrant@localhost bodhi]$ pshell development.ini
Python 2.7.12 (default, Sep 29 2016, 13:30:34)
[GCC 6.2.1 20160916 (Red Hat 6.2.1-2)] on linux2
Type "help" for more information.

  app          The WSGI application.
  registry     Active Pyramid registry.
  request      Active request object.
  root         Root of the default resource tree.
  root_factory Default root factory used to create `root`.

Custom Variables:
  m            bodhi.server.models
  t            transaction

>>> execfile('tools/')

Once you’ve run that execfile('tools/') tools command, it’s pretty easy to run database queries:

>>> db.query(m.Update).filter_by(alias='FEDORA-2016-840ff89708').one().title
<output trimmed>

It is possible to connect your Vagrant box to the staging Koji instance for testing, which can be handy at times. You will need to copy your .fedora.cert and .fedora-server-ca.cert that you normally use to connect to Koji into your Vagrant box, storing them in /home/vagrant. Once you have those in place, you can set buildsystem = koji in your development.ini file.

When you are done with your Vagrant guest, you can destroy it permanently by running this command on the host:

$ vagrant destroy


Virtualenv is another option for building a development environment.


sudo dnf install libffi-devel postgresql-devel openssl-devel koji pcaro-hermit-fonts freetype-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel python-pillow zeromq-devel liberation-mono-fonts

Setup virtualenvwrapper

sudo dnf -y install python-virtualenvwrapper python-createrepo_c

Add the following to your ~/.bashrc:

export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/bin/


Add the following to your ~/.bashrc


Then on the terminal

source ~/.bashrc

Clone the source

git clone
cd bodhi

Bootstrap the virtualenv

workon bodhi-python2.7

Setting up

python develop

pip install psycopg2

Create the development.ini file

Copy development.ini.example to development.ini:

cp development.ini.example development.ini

Run the test suite

python nosetests

Import the bodhi2 database

curl -O
sudo -u postgres createdb bodhi2
xzcat bodhi2.dump.xz | sudo -u postgres psql bodhi2


If you do not have a PostgreSQL server running, please see the instructions at the bottom of the file.

Adjust database configuration in development.ini file

Set the configuration key sqlalchemy.url to point to the postgresql database. Something like:

sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://postgres:anypasswordworkslocally@localhost/bodhi2

Upgrade the database

alembic upgrade head

Run the web app

pserve development.ini --reload

Setup the postgresql server

1. Install postgresql
dnf install postgresql-server
2. Setup the Database

As a privileged user on a Fedora system run the following:

sudo postgresql-setup initdb
3. Adjust Postgresql Connection Settings

As a privileged user on a Fedora system modify the pg_hba.conf file:

vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf

Then adjust the content at the bottom of the file to match the following.

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all             all                                     peer
# IPv4 local connections are *trusted*, any password will work.
host    all             all               trust
# IPv6 local connections are *trusted*, any password will work.
host    all             all             ::1/128                 trust

If you need to make other modifications to postgresql please make them now.

4. Start Postgresql

As a privileged user on a Fedora system run the following:

sudo systemctl start postgresql.service

Database Schema

The Bodhi database schema can be seen below.


Database schema.